Area of focus: security and automation
Why: before I turned 18 i was a hacker for 5 years and i saw the kind of crap security most websites and programs had and even if the site was secure you could usually email somebody with a spoofed email and get in. And when i say hacker i mean i wrote my own stuff not skiddy.

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    Hmm, using tools doesn't make you a skiddie by default. I use tools but that's vex use I don't have time to write them myself really. Get your point though!
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    @linuxxx yeah I'm not talking about the kind of hackers that use real tooling when i say skiddy i mean the ones that will download a prebuilt "all in one toolkit" and point it to a domain and hope it works even though for all they know it could be sending their address to the fbi.
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    @jckimble ahh nevermind, my bad!
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    Hey, any recommendation about where to start learning ethical hacking? Thank you in advance.
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    @iker592 well to start download kalilinux since it has a broad spectrom of hacking tools. After that follow offensive security's tutorials. And nullbyte is a ok read.
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    @jckimble thank you so much! I'll check them out.
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    @iker592 no problem. Just remember standard disclamers apply, don't do nothing stupid or if you do its not my fault. Now that's been said there is a linux distro built with exploits for learning now i just don't know the name of it
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    @jckimble Haha No worries I just wanna learn for fun. Thanks for that exploit you talked about, it sounds really helpful. I'll google it.
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