I love how our industry has invented such important sounding yet meaningless job titles...

Developer, software engineer, software architect, developer evangelist, dev ops engineer, systems analyst, quality assurance engineer, code monkey...

  • 1
    I wanted Script Monkey as my job title but my boss wouldn't let me put it as my title :(
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    @RampantShadow You see, I like that title. It's self explanatory. If you're called a developer evangelist, you'll end up explaining it all day long
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    @Michael-Hancock i got stuck with Software Development Manager, to me thats somewhere between 'lick arse Project Manager' and 'that guy who we like to bother when we have no clue what to do Lead Developer'.
  • 0
    I quite like the short and sweet titles of 'developer' and 'web developer'. They're professional and say as much as they need to about what those roles do.
    I absolutely hate companies that think 'rockstar', 'guru' and 'ninja' are good ideas.
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