Im making my first opensource project, it's a web component library, but I find the naming part so difficult..

How do you Guys find good project names? And anything i should consider regarding copyrights/e.t.c ?

Suggestions/you naming methods are welcome 🤌

  • 2
    What's it in your library that matters most? Trip from there.
  • 1
    Naming is one of the hardest things to do. Just use whatever makes the most sense
  • 1
    Name things like ubuntu!

    start at A and go down the alphabet, where every project or version is an adjective + object

    Awful Alice

    Broken Babylon

    Curvy Cloud

  • 0
    Don't get too hung up on it. Unless you're releasing it, just give it a placeholder name and move on. It's easy to get caught up in naming etc.
  • 0
    @RememberMe i am releasing it at some point and for now I have just made a placeholder name, but that placeholder name goes into every component name/documentation/e.t.c so I feel like a placeholder name starts to be a bigger and bigger refactor the more I produce 😅
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