
Learning Falcon right now. Coming from strong front-end background having learnt Redux, React and stuff,
Falcon is what a backend framework must be! Why do you need templating in backend these days?

  • 1
    I like how you have jumped on the hype train. Not every app should be API and spa, there are use cases for server rendered pages, and they will be in the future.
  • 2
    @kpenc finally someone think the same as me. These SPA/API sites have gone out of control, and in a lot of cases is completely overkill.
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    @viking8 At times I thought I was the only one who thinks that. For example I would never design a banking application as spa.
  • 0
    Web is not the only major platform now...
    So having APIs will be more modular right?
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    @rahulakrishna Probably, but are you combining it with oop design.
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    @kpenc No. Modularity is a great thing imo...
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    @rahulakrishna OOP promotes modularity. Restful a APIs are not the holy Grail of programming. Modularity existed way before restful API s. Also, class methods which are public are also APIs. :D
  • 0
    So the reasons to stay with the traditional approach are ease of development and security?
    Security can be handled well in both though...
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