
I kinda hate Europe for having such strict laws about everything regarding the web. I feel like it only stops progress and benefits corporations.
Most of those laws are kinda useless anyway.

  • 10
    Quite the opposite. It prevents corps from usurping power.

    At least they should do that on paper.
  • 8
    Which laws would that be?

    And how much "innovation" is your human rights worth?

    I do agree that the EU should offer free legal and organizational support for small businesses dealing with legislation such as GDPR. Adherence to laws shouldn't be a matter of cost.
  • 7
    Also what progress they are stopping exactly?
  • 0
    @iiii Well as you said it does on paper and some of the things make sense (like being able to request the deletion of your data) but like @hobblin said, for some small businesses the cost is just not worth it, especially since those laws change often and some people don't want to deal with that.
    I also think its ridiculous to request an imprint on everything (from personal blogs to simple Youtube channels) and making those cookie notice popups mandatory is just plain annoying to me. But thats just my opinion
  • 3
    @ngCry the people "just not wanting to deal with it" is the reason the laws exist. If they dont want to comply to the laws existing, imagine what they would do without the laws.

    But im sure there are some laws that hurt more than they give and those should be critiqued specifically, not by hand waving to all laws coming from the EU
  • 2
    @ngCry cookie notices aren't actually mandatory. It's a perverted interpretation of the law. No one ever requested those "btw, we use cookies" banners in the law.
  • 3
    @iiii technically the mandatory banners that trick you for your consent are illegal.
  • 2
    @stop that as well. But the thing is if you don't use any of those pesky tracking cookies you need no consent or banner.

    If anything, rembering your denial of consent requires a cookie.
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