
On thursday i spent 5 hours on a function. It was about to include in production build which was due on friday.

On friday PM informed me that we are dropping this function from application. It will not be included in any build now. So just prepare the build without that function.

So, instead of commenting it out or make it hidden i deleted the source code for the function entirely.

Today morning it has been decided that we are including that function in our next build.

I am fucked. I am very bad Developer i guess.. i am laughing on my mistake. It will not happen again though.

  • 1
    I always keep latest backup.
  • 1
    Good to know that I am not alone.
  • 3
    You can probably control z back enough if you're using a nice editor. Next time, put it on a branch.
  • 1
    Local history may have a copy, if you use an ide
  • 0
    Version control to rescue
  • 0
    @yogesh me too. But as i said, i deleted the function codes entirely. Not the file but code lines. So backup could not have helped me either. 😁
  • 0
    @PoweredByCoffee hahaha...good to know i am not alone, too. 😁
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    @starless i have already done the build and pushed it to production on Friday. I am pretty sure ctrl+z won't help me on monday morning.
  • 1
    @abcdev pushing code to production clears the edit history in your development environment? That's odd.
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