
Me, in a meeting with CTO trying to sort out some config stuff, manager messages me and tells me about a non critical issue (read: not production).

Me: I'm in a meeting
Manager: Yes but look at this when you have time
Me: Yes sure

Manager calls me after 15 minutes

Me: I was in a meeting?
Manager: Are you still in a meeting or were you in a meeting?
Me: I'll go back to the meeting when you're done

Manager tells me about the issue again. After I go back to the meeting manager sends me a meeting link about the issue literally 15 minutes from that time. Manager is 10 minutes late to the meeting he just arranged.

After the meeting manager pesters me and asks if I could figure out the issue every 15 minutes.

I fucking hate this job.

  • 15
    "please open a ticket and send it to me, thanks"
  • 4
    I think it's not the job that is the issue
  • 0
    @iiii clearly no, but there are other things that I despise about the workplace as well
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