I know by heart that "premature optimization is the root of all evil" but not when I'm coding, no! I premature optimize the shit out of my code until I get crippled down and then I undo everything and make a working version no matter how terrible it is.

  • 2
    Can relate.
  • 0
    I know by heart that "premature optimization is the root of all evil" but not when I'm coding, no! I premature optimize and then quickly run into evil, which I can surely identify the root of! Wait...
  • 0
    @root are you the root of all evil?
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm According to some people, yes.
  • 1
    Pssst... Pssst....

    The secret is... you gotta put those premature optimization into the framework or compiler itself while making sure your actual code looks pretty to the beholder.
  • 0
    Over the last couple of weeks (ney, months) I've come to wonder if it's not actually unnecessary abstractions that's in fact the root of all evil.

    I wonder what happens if we prematurely optimize unnecessarily abstracted code... 🤯
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