
Fun fact!

Xiaomi has a restriction where you're only allowed a bootloader unlock key one week after you've requested it. No, not a week after you've bought the phone. Not a week after you created an account and generated so much usage data that it would be stupid to doubt you're a genuine user.
No, you have to wait one week after installing their fucking desktop app and getting past some arbitrary point in the process.

Seriously, how much shit can this company pull with a straight face? At this point they're just sabotaging me, it's not even for any reason.

  • 5
    Don’t buy from China.
  • 6
    @Root It costs half as much and it's actually fairly decent if you manage to replace the OS. For hardware vulnerabilities you can't do anything really, you only get to pick which government gets to see what.
  • 5

    Also, you need to have the original sim you used to register the unlock account in the phone when unlocking, and.... you are limited to 1 unlock per month per account!

    And lets not talk about huawei.
  • 1

    What @Root said.
    For many mamy security reasons. And the fuck up, if you wish.
  • 7
    @rEaL-jAsE Google pixel is expensive, and how would an iPhone get me closer to running LineageOS?
  • 1
    @homo-lorens The funny thing is, I used to customize android phones and naturally a lot of clients had Xiaomi devices so I would warn people in advance that their Xiaomi unlock would cost more and take a week.

    Ultimately, at least Xiaomi is almost always unlockable unlike many Huawei devices and other shit.
  • 1
    @Alt-Tab I specifically looked for a manufacturer that supports OEM unlocking.
  • 1
    Unlockable, maybe, if the stars are aligned and you sacrifice virgin goats on an altar in the moonlight for 14 consecutive nights. Also requires your email adress, phone number, IMEI, IMSI, an hourly arp scan, "debug" data for the sacrifice period (including, but not limited to screen content and all sensor data), SSN, birthday and your mother's maiden name. Sign here, here and here. Now your phone is unlocked, maybe.
  • 0
    @saucyatom None of us are safe and I don't have enough disposable income or free time to waste it on pretending to myself that I am safe. Obtaining anything blackmail-worthy about me would probably require human attention, and that's as much as I can realistically achieve.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens I am just ranting about their unlock procedure (like you are), which is designed to keep you from doing it.
  • 0
    Alright, I finally unlocked my phone. It took ages, but it's done.

    And this is the part where I realise that the XDA forum for Redmi 9A(T) is essentially dead because it has an MTK chipset and is therefore a difficult development target.

    I'm tired.
  • 0
    What's especially annoying is that the Redmi 9 has a thriving community with tons of modders and a wide variety of roms available, however the 9A which was released 20 days later is essentially dead. The hardware is similar, but not similar enough.
  • 0
    Is that a new thing? I don't recall such behavior on the Redmi 3
  • 0
    To everyone that suggest getting a different phone, just look at the recent heat for apple. A Google phone might be more justifiable because they have your data anyways, in all likelihood, but you will probably still have NSA crap on there. Ultimately Xiaomi phones are cheap and good for the price. Fuck them, a lot, but you really arent getting that much worse of a deal.
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    @Tonnoman0909 The panic over Apple checking your photos was stupid, they're doing hash comparisons for known child sexual abuse material and you need a lot of matching hashes to even be considered for review.
  • 0
    @Tonnoman0909 And they added porn recognition to parental controls.
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