Maybe I could write a simulation using an ai to control traffic lights to assasinate crude disgusting wastes of space with as many brain cells as they have toes

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    @inawhile Every day.
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    @Root apparently every son many years
    Prove ye be not a robot
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    @Root because I want to like you if you’re still real
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    @Root ahhh and I said that before
    Maybe you’re a decade younger than the previous person

    Or maybe we’re both becoming old people
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    @Root I thought that was pretty clear lol talk
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    You ain't need no AI. You need an 🚲E-Bike. 🤷‍♂️
    You're right tho, cars are a massive waste of space.

    As an engineer you should be familiar with first order and second order problem solving right? Solve the real problem or you'll be stuck trying to fix the mess of symptoms of a non functioning system.
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    @heyheni by "waste of space" OP means people, not cars
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    @RememberMe Both are a waste of space, and air. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    @Root the one in particular I want to gut just showed up
    He has so many more charming characteristics over the average subhuman piece of trash
    You’d never understand why lol picture perfect or gentlemanly and cooth sober behavior
    A true example of sophisticated behavior and oh so sexy
    I’d just love to give him a big behind hug WITHOUT a Bowie in my hand
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    @killames I really do not understand you.
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    @Root I’m being facetious
    Take above statements
    He’s the exact opposite of those traits and I despise being near him
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