I'm Indonesian and really feel suck about our government apps. Seriously, I think they hire a bunch of undergraduate student to make most of their apps. Anyone who feel the same about your government?

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    Yeah they use shit tech to make the job joyless
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    Governments do nothing well except taxes and whatever expands their powers.

    Try finding one more.
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    @Root collecting tax expands the power of a government, so you only need to mention that a government is only good at expanding their power. But that's not intrinsically a bad property.

    In a functioning democracy, a government stays in power only if it represents the general public. Thus, to expand its peer, a government must represent the people. The caveat is that this is not true if the democracy doesn't function.
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    All US gov websites were built using a browser's address bar as a text editor. Prove me wrong.
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    @codecrow US gov sites are pretty shitty.
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    @electrineer Does the US government represent its people? Chinese? Taiwan? Venezuela? North Korean? Afghani? Swedish?

    Many of these were democratic. Some still claim to be.
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    I once worked for an Indonesian software house back when I was still undergraduate student and yeah we used slow servers, old version of a programming language, tight deadline, and low income.
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    the problem with government application that they created not because they want to solve a problem, but to have a reason to get money out of it.
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    A fellow Indonesian here. Yes they probably paid some students for very low price. That why their web apps suck.
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    @BimaAdi And their users have no choice but to use the apps. There’s no competition, so there’s no quality.
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