Rx.js is better than promise, prove me wrong

  • 3
    You’re an idiot, that’s what’s up.

    They are not comparable. One handles a single transaction, the other an indefinite amount of transactions with no guarantee to end.
  • 1
    @petergriffin this is very true
  • 0
    @petergriffin I think they are comparable if we view them as a way of handling asynchronous code
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    @rifanfirdhaus yeah sure I’ll add a dependency to every project and add unneeded 70kb’s for something that is most likely also very doable with native language features.

    The last time I actually needed rx was when I dynamically had to peace together various Bluetooth low energy packets that came in async and I had to filter out the various responses to requests and other informational packets with timeout and everything.

    But in the end, it all bundled together to promises. I request an Ressource and I get the resource back some day.

    I don’t get maybe one or multiple or parts of them and glue shit together or jank stuff I have seen from people who think rx is superior.

    It’s not like the whole pattern existed for more than 10 years.
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    @rifanfirdhaus how else would we compare them? As synchronise solutions? xD

    You're onto a lost cause here dude.
  • 0
    I like rxjs mind you
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