
So Malaysia also famous for police brutality against the non Muslim or non Malays. I recently tweet about the more cases of police brutality will increase day by day. A Malay man replied it is a part of duty of the police to do so. This really confused me. The last time I checked we as a citizens have the right to sue the police if they brutally force us to do anything. And also last time I checked the policemen in my country, just raped a Mongolian girl who is underage and the high court let them go freely. The Malay man replied to me that quite "YOU ARE OUT OF CONTEXT! GO BACK TO CHINA!" Well personally, my ancestors weren't from China , I will go back to Mongolia if I have a choice.

  • 3
    Is it possible to move out? You’re having a miserable time there. Political corruption, shady businesses you had to work for, police brutality, and extreme racism
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode I wish I have the choice to migrate to where my ancestors from.
  • 1
    How is Mongolia anyway? Does it have oppressive government like its neighbours? I don't think I've heard much bad about the country, just that it's poor.
  • 1
    @electrineer apparently the democracy is flawed and there are problems in freedom of press. Well, at least it's better than Malaysia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
  • 2
    @electrineer Mongolia is fine .
  • 0
    If that happened in my part of the world someone would hunt down the cops who did that. There are a lot of people this wouldn't sit well with here. I don't envy you. God help your people.
  • 3
    @rutee07 Except your president is also literally Hitler.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme @electrineer Also, Mongolia is terrorized by the Mongolian Death Worm. Not sure if I'd feel safe with a venomous Dune-like sandworm preying on me
  • 2
    @bittersweet Are you sure that's not just a deathmetal throat singing group?
  • 2
    @87percentrum Nah there's this dropbear-like myth of an ultra deadly worm roaming the Gobi desert among Mongolian natives.
  • 1
    @rutee07 It's... something. But what is freedom of expression worth if you're not allowed to snort coke out of a hookers belly button? Performance art is also a form of expressing yourself.
  • 0
    @bittersweet don't worry about worm , every guy have the 5 inched worm tangling underneath. 🤣😂
  • 0
    @rutee07 wait I thought 5 inches is the shortest? No? 🧐
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