When I turn off my laptop and the mouse starts blinking because it is trying to connect to the host I imagine a young boy in the fields shouting "Papa? Daddy where are you? [Crying] Papaaa"

  • 6
    I just watched Logan and this made me more emotional. 😭😭
  • 2
    Sweet. Thanks. Made me touching. Literally crying. Have a pleasant day everyone!
  • 0
    Bet you're loads of fun at parties.
  • 0
    @Jilano it really is. I often view inanimate objects as alive and overly dramatic. Like holding the power button is smothering it with a pillow and i will say "shush, it will all be over soon" and a file cleanup (shift+del) on my harddrive i imagine a cleanup crew running through hallways with flamethrowers. I also often call them weak or a pussy if they can't handle a piece of software due to lacking hardware. And often imagine it a women just so i can scold it for idiotic file placement of random software. And powering on a brand new pc is like turning in the iron man suit for the first time!

    I wish i had more examples. It's what keeps me "sane"
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    @Bacontaskmaster have you ever had yourself checked for issues or bugs?
  • 1
    I didn't expect so many upvotes on this post. It makes thinking, are we in a good state of mind?
  • 2
    From now on I will start thinking the same whenever I turn my PC off. Thank you ))
  • 0
    @theofanis on the spectrum, does that count? I was told i could just put a try catch around that and here we are in the finally block.
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