I wanna work on small video games more. I thought of joining some small game jams so that I would have to finish a project within a weekend or so, but I don't really have time to dedicate a weekend for that.

And every time I do have enough free time for these things, my motivation drops to 0....

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    I feel you
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    I can't wrap my head around the implementation. And whenever I get someone in team, they kinda feel the same way and it quickly becomes a mess.
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    @Nanos oh I'm definetly on the other end with the amount of sugar i consume
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    @vintprox personally i really like to code and think of ways to design games

    But i can't make assets, I am no artist
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    @LotsOfCaffeine I know, right? I ain't no musician, nor artist, nor a writer (debatable, but I'm yet to produce a serious screenplay/storyboard). I can't find myself even in programming and getting around with engines, let alone making one from scratch.
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