
I've got three 2-hour exams tomorrow back-to-back. I've been studying my ass off all week.

How the fuck is the College administration allowed to put student like me into this retarded and needlessly challenging predicament?

Guess I'll be drinking plenty of red bull tomorrow... 😰

  • 1
    Wait until some shithead of a boss gives you 10 projects and a deadline that is impossible.
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 well fuck, that isn't very comforting...😩
  • 2
    Sorry bro, I know your struggles!
    Best of luck from me, get them degrees ezpz!
  • 1
    Just think, it'll be all over that day. 😊 Go get that degreeπŸ’ͺ
  • 0
    I would honestly suggest to stop drinking red bull or any kind of energy drink.

    Its so bad...
    If I try to drink one now, I feel my veins hurt... Its scary..
  • 1
    I'm desperate and coffee doesn't keep me awake. Redbulls work great for me and I never noticed any side effects so far @zombie01
  • 0
    @Koolstr i wish you the best man
  • 1
    Just to update: I think I did decently on the exams, hopefully passed them all. With the shitty cards I was dealt, that is satisfactory to me.
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