  • 19
    So you're anal about java?
  • 5
    Pretty sure Ritchie have never said anything remotely close to that.

    Also, original sauce: http://bash.org/?338364
  • 3
    I'll do some Java in your baba. If you know what I mean.
  • 20
    Not sure if that is really a criticism of Java or a complement ;)
  • 4
    Fair point though... how did Java become popular? I wouldn't develop in it for double my wages.
  • 2
    The question is: "why do you think that Java is bad?". I would not change to another language and I've tried many.
  • 1
    @shasha just not a fan of taking out the garbage. Why not be tidy with memory as you use it? Also yes some tasks may be quicker with JVM but overall it is a massive pile of slower bloat. I would never pick java over C.
  • 5
    How many times does this need to be reposted. Seriously.
  • 2
    @iguana until the sun goes out 😂
  • 10
    I think that C has its place and Java has its place and those are separate places. Generally, at least.
  • 0
    @w0ble thanks! :)
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker you get a ++
  • 1
    @SirMiguel was that a pun?
  • 0
    @iguana I honestly didn't know it was posted before. My bad.
  • 1
    Anal sex is good. Your point?
  • 1
    @jonjo I'm sorry but that's not an answer. If you won't pick Java then why do you think it is a problem at all? If you live in Africa and you hate snow why talking sh*t about Canada?
  • 0
    @shasha why do you think this app is called devRANT? 😀 Also also I would use nodejs,Python,c++ and C# over Java any day
  • 1
    @shasha because Java is just a terribly designed language.

    - Still no type-inference (leads to overly long lines)
    - Object-Orientation is enforced on the user
    - Inconsistent naming (String, int, character)
    - String equality operator doesn't actually check for string equality

    And the list goes on
  • 0
    - no need for it, since the IDE does the Job
    - bullshit. Classes begin with an uppercase letter, primitive data types with a lowercase letter.
    - yeah since == operator checks the adresses instead. Calling .compare is not that hard

    You should really learn more about stuff before crying about it.
  • 0
    @ctwx I do know the Java conventions and I know why they are the way they are, but that doesn't make it any better.

    Type-inference *does* lead to redundant typing, there's no need to explicitly mention the same type twice in the same statement.

    And I wasn't referring to casing (not only), but to the naming in general. Why are the primitives 'int' and 'character'? Either go with the complete name or abbreviate them, not both.

    I didn't say it's hard to call a compare function, it's just not what any sane human would expect from such a basic operation on a pretty much primitive data-type.
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