What's the point of doing estimates per quarter if you are gonna change the estimates to projects that are being worked on to match the release date?

Also doing estimates per quarter before doing investigations on the requirements is a fucking shit way to do estimates. Arguably doing it per quarter is also trash.

We are not doing hardware design for fuck sake, we work on software, you bunch of retards.

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    Hardware design is also pretty hard for anything more complicated than a toaster.
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    @atheist yeah I meant the way to manage hardware projects is completely different than software, but somehow we are stuck with hardware management style for software, which is bad because it's terribly inflexible for our needs.
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    Check out VHDL. Some hardware projects are software.
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    @atheist yeah I know about it and worked on it before.
    I just wanted to say that sometimes it's better to exploit the flexibility that software development can provide.

    For example using agile when it is appropriate to be able to work on high priority features or reprioritize work based on ever-changing customer needs. It's not always possible with hardware design and software comes in.
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