man, this nginx micro-services stuff is unreal - take your monolithic OOP application and split it across your environment and let them talk REST to each other. so sweet!

  • 5
    Microservices architectures are really interesting! They do come at a cost though. You need a half way decent ops department, a well engrained Dev ops culture etc. Lots of businesses are leaping on it as the new shiny without having the infrastructure to support it.
  • 4
    @ChrisCooney I definitely agree. I'm working on a microservice driven application now for work. it takes proper planning and a good sys-admin. luckily we have a good admin LOL
  • 0
    @ChrisCooney & @coderman I just got to be in a week long live instructed boot camp from nginx on microservices infrastructure. and yea.. takes a lot of dev ops - but not as much as you think. especially as docker and docker cloud become more mature.

    so far, I'm fully onboard the hype train.
  • 0
    @mattwebdev but docker, if I understand it correctly, still needs to be backed by a solid infrastructure, otherwise you're going to run into all kinds of firewall / network / performance / storage issues along the way. I'm all up for porting a lot of the apps (especially the big one for the team I run) to a microservices architecture, or even just a straight up SoA but we don't have the ops for it yet, and I don't know when we will either.
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    @ChrisCooney AWS can handle everything for you with some configration of the services.. which is nessessary for anyone who does web application development to understand.
  • 0
    @mattwebdev docker isn't an issue it's on existing hardware.
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