NIGHT MARE? MY CODING NIGHT MARE IS USING IPAY88 for the project. Ipay88 is the well-known payment integration in my country but their service is fucked up, I wrote an article of comparing Ipay88 and stripe. IPAY88 is fucked up. So for those who would like to programme a backend system or application to Southeast Asian customers , please don't use ipay88! use alternatives.

Read it here https://johnmelodyme.wordpress.com/...

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    @molaram Someone from Malaysia. Wait do you mean the article or the program? I wrote this article , but Idk who wrote the program but I'm sure it's a Malaysian. As this platform is used in every Malaysian app. (That's why it is shit)
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    @molaram some idiots who live in Malaysia ... Btw I will share their documentation here. (Which my boss paid money for , documentation)
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