Is there a bug in the way it's decided which posts are displayed? This is on algorithm mode. There are a lot more 250++ posts below here with a couole of 1++ posts in between. And almost all of them I've seen before and ++d them

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    That means you ran out of unseen content so it falls back to top.
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    @Larsg310 looks like someone has read every single rant there is
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    @dfox The algorithm now filters out seen rants? Doesn't see to work for me? See the same rants after a refresh.
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    @wasim algo will only show rants from the last 45 days so it wouldn't have to be every rant.

    @allanx2000 just refreshing won't make them disappear. You either have to refresh a number of times, scroll past the batch of rants, or explicitly view one to make it disappear.
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    @dfox seems now I'm having the same problem hes having. Same posts and seeing a lot that I've already upvoted.

    Also pulled Refresh like 10 times, doesn't change.
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    @allanx2000 yep, like I said, it's expected behavior. It means your ran out of unseen rants in the last 45 days.
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    @dfox hm... pretty sure I've never seen this one before, got it using the Surprise Me API.

    Guess it's kind of hard to prove though... too many variables/unknowns. I will just keep an eye out.
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    @dfox In the Android app, it seems I've reached the end after 2 pages/Loading More...

    Also because I've seen everything?
    Doesn't quite seem right though.

    Looking through the Recent feed, I'm seeing new rants though.
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    Yes confirmed in Android. If I use Algo sort, only 2 loads mores then nothing new.

    Recent sort, paging is is fine... And I see new rants.
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    Recent != algo. The whole point of algo is we're showing you recommended content instead of just everything from recent. You'll never see stuff that has no upvotes in algo.
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    @allanx2000 what do you mean 2 page limit? You can't scroll more than two pages?
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    @dfox yes, it after a few load mores in Algo sort, it's loads nothing so just end of the feed basically
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    @allanx2000 does it load nothing or just rants you've already seen?

    I'm looking at your algo feed queries and I see it falling back to top. You shouldn't see nothing (ex. the feed not being scrollable anymore) but you will see rants you've already seen/voted on.
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    After load more but see it shows can't scroll anymore
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    @dfox Guess if it's falling back to the top maybe the app see it's already loaded in the feed and won't add it again?
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    @allanx2000 that could be. Either way, it's some case of running out of actual algo feed items. We may change it in the future to not show too anymore and instead show an empty state rant but either way the situation is still the same as we don't repeat content until you run out (but that may be removed)
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    @dfox Actually I think there's a bug as I'm using the Algo sort in the web app and I see a lot of posts that I haven't seen before and they are within 45 days, or just today.

    These are popular too so I don't think there's any reason they should be hidden.




    Also using my own desktop client which uses the old parameters, I see over 100 new posts a day, the same that I'm seeing in the web app, which does page more than 2 pages, I believe the API goes up to 15 pages of 50 rants each.
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    Or maybe it's just the way I view devRant screws up the new algo. Mostly just use my laptop now.
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    @allanx2000 you can't really compare the desktop algo and the app algo because they are completely different algorithms. Desktop uses the old algo and the apps use the algo v2. Desktop doesn't have any of the recommendation or "don't show rants you've already seen" features. It's simple our old time decaying algo that will show every single rant, but it's just sorted by score/time.
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    @dfox Actually, the question (and also what the OP was asking) is why does the New Algo prefer to show me rants I've already seen or even voted on rather than something new? Even if its not as highly ranked, every day there's like 100 new rants, so I shouldn't be seeing any that I have already voted on... But i suppose it would be computationally more intensive.

    Anyway I'll just leave it at this. I've got my own workaround so I'm good. I really do like this community... Maybe to the point of being addicted 😁
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    @allanx2000 thanks, glad you like it :)

    You should see every new rant in algo (as long as it meets the minimum vote threshold) as long as you haven't seen it before or scrolled past in any sort. So even if you see it in recent, then you can't see it in algo again.

    However, when you run out of algo items, we fallback to top rants in the last 45 days whether you've seen them, voted on them, etc, they still show up.

    The only way there's any kind of bug here is if you're not seeing new rants that have some votes in algo and you haven't seen them anywhere else (ex. recent or top)
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    @dfox I just checked and I do see a lot new rants now, mostly recent although some are quite old.

    But, looks like I was the cause. Using my desktop app, when it queries the first time it gets all the new ones. I don't read them all but later on, when I switch to my phone, Algo thinks I did read them so I only get the "end page".

    That page is a bit confusing though when it returns as part of Load More since new unseen ones are mixed into the results.
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