
Sometimes I feel I should switch to android from web even though I don't know anything about it but just feels that it's interesting morebthen web.

But then again I have those thoughts that jack of all and king of nothing is pretty hurtful in career building. Isn't it?

  • 1
    Well you can develop mobile apps with web technologies. I think is worth a try.
  • 2
    I'm a web developer also, but slowly I started learning and building android app for fun and some side projects just out of curiosity. But now I'm at the point where I'm trying to learn android as much as and as better as I can so I can fully switch to it but keep the web developing as a hobby.

    And it wasn't so hard to made a change from web to mobile (at least for me), and I had 0 knowledge of java and mobile app development when I started.

    Or you can try and master the web technologies for building mobile apps if you do not want to learn java/objective c/c# etc...
  • 0
    Well I don't have problem in learning java and I have tried phonegap on web tech. But know native is native phonegap is not that powerful and has hussel with uncertainty that we are not even sure if app's gonna work with all set of android/ios/windows versions.
  • 0
    Making Android apps is pretty fun
  • 0
    npm install -g ionic cordova
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