Script kiddies be like:
** install python **
print "hack this world"

woah!! I'm a hacker now

  • 14
    They say they are good at cmd and say i am hacker who uses terminal.
    Then i ask to use linux or git. They stays quiet
  • 0
    I shutter at the majority of stuff I see online because of people like that.
  • 13
    Isnt it more like:
    Win + R
    Types cmd
    types ping google.de
  • 7
    Then script kiddies build a dumb botnet and sells it to other script kiddies who DDoS the shit out of services...
  • 9
    I heard the other day some guy going,

    "yeah I need to make sure the package is compatible so I can install it to JSON, and sql inject it into the server"

    i really wasn't sure how to react, whatever to laugh or cry.
  • 1
    @Niia Holy Shit. I'll just start talking about SQL Injection instead of insert. SO FUCKING BADASS
  • 10
    > WIN + R
    > CMD
    > COLOR A
    > TREE (x5)
  • 2
    @Scrumplex if you feel hacky, ping
  • 5
    hackertyper.com anyone?
  • 3
    More like...

    Color a
    CD /
    Goto top
  • 0
    I used to go to this website at my university's library and pretend I'm hacking http://hackertyper.net/

    You'll need to open it on a desktop because it only works with keyboard input
  • 2
    And this makes me appreciate Mr. Robot because what they do is pretty legit
  • 2
    Silly script kiddies. Everyone knows the most important thing...
    You need a handle, man.
    You don't have an identity until you have a handle.
  • 0
    @djdole @timurtu welcome to devRant!
  • 1
  • 3
    Win r
    Color a
    telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

    Hey, i hacked the INTERNAL system of Windows to see the HIDDEN starwars!

    Fuck it kid

    kids fire up loic, link localhost and ping it shitloaf of times
    Good luck
  • 1
  • 2
    @redstonetehnik You don't ping when feeling "hacky", but when you're feeling lonely. All those messages and no one responds.. maybe will respond... 🤔
  • 0
  • 0
    @-Sam- or if you are in terminal, color 02
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