I forgot the fucking package I use to take pictures on my damn raspberry pi 4 since raspistill doesn't work (at least i couldn't get it to) i installed a recommended alternative AND I FUCKING FORGOT WHAT IT IS a week later.

I should've been in bed an hour ago for fucking work tomorrow, instead i'm trying to find the damn damn support forums i was reading last week to find a solution I already found before FUCK

I need to actually work on using my damn knowledge documentation system i'm fucking working on so i don't forget shit like this FUCK

  • 1
    Did you install it through pip?
  • 1
    @sariel no but i did find it eventually by getting a brain and googling "raspistill alternative" first result mentions fswebcam which brought it back to me I'm such an idiots sometimes

    I put a note in my home directory on the pi for next time lol
  • 1
    Couldn't you have gone through browser history?
  • 1
    @demortes if I had thought of it lol 😅😅😅
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