Do you think it's wrong when I use a cracked version of a not free software because I genuinely cannot afford to pay, I am not using it to make money either

  • 3
    I have used all manor of cracked software in the past when I was a broke ass student. I've purchased a fair bit of what I used in the past, some of it I nolonger have a use for but still buy. Some things are crazy overpriced for the only thing that can do a reasonable job (photoshop, gimp doesn't even come close). I'd only buy it if I needed it for work, then I'd write off as business expense.

    Personally if you actually can't afford it and would/will pay when you can, I don't have any qualms.
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    I kinda agree with that. I mean, from a certain point of view, I understand it's too expensive to buy licenses sometimes (like when you just started working) but at the se time I also think that one can see it as an investment, exactly like any other professions when you work on your own. If I want to start my dream job as a dentist, it's not like I'm gonna steal all the equipment ☺
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    I did once a long time ago, and I can certainly understand why someone would.

    But these days I try to follow the rule of "don't shit where you eat" and all my licenses are fully legal.

    For most things there are OSS/Free alternatives, almost everything else is available fairly cheaply at least for devs. For those things that aren't: It's simply not worth being caught up in a license lawsuit if you use it to make something awesome.
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    @ste09 ...aaand then that "investment" becomes a yearly subscription... looking at you creative cloud
  • 1
    I have completely moved on to linux and I don't need any crack... also I can get many licensed software using my student id..
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    @xp-bar true! That's the current selling model based on subscriptions.
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    @xp-bar fucking everything its switching to a subscription, i can't stand it m8. Adobe, MS office, Whats so bad about the good old "you pay once and its yours"? Is it because DRM?
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    Could be worse. You might pay for an OS and it decides to show you ads anyway.
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    @alwaysmpe *cough* Windows 10 *cough*
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    @iguana Windows 10 shows ADS?! Damn I'm never ever installing it.
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    @Elendil for sure! Such a pain the arse -_-
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    @ste09 yeah. I mean, you can still crack, but honestly
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    @iguana Ads? I see no ads on my gaming computer! Been running Win10 on it for ages.
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    @brahn @bcst1992 yep. Ads. http://pcworld.com/article/3039827/... they've started putting banner ads for office 365 in explorer now too: http://pcworld.com/article/3178683/...
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