Bad Managers will, sometimes, abuse imposter syndrome to have you work longer hours. Don't let them.

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    as if longer hours equals good work. 🙄.

    Also - the way to get over the imposter syndrome is to git gud, and for some people, longer hours can do that....
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    well - make them _pay_ longer hours. simple as that. they wanna have something? the gotta give something.

    and if they don't feel compelled to compensate your extra work by extra pay, ask them why you should feel compelled to compensate your basic pay by basic work.
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    p.S.: "bad managers"? isn't that a bit superfluously redundant?
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    @tosensei there are good ones.
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    "Imposter's syndrome" is like premature ejaculation or vaginal yeast.

    Write about it in your journal. Talk about it with any professional who took a confidentially oath. Talk about it with your parents or friends if you have that kind of bond.

    But do not discuss it with coworkers, and certainly not with managers.

    Sadly, even the most wholesome friendly balanced zen safe-space of an office will still be a lion's den under the surface, where any show of weakness is met with exploitation or termination.
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    @galileopy technically yes, but they're as rare as vegan butchers, blind cab drivers or non-corrupt politicians.
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    Most of the time they are probably good managers who unintentionally stress their underlings out.

    But sure - depends on work culture. I'm from Sweden and everyone here is very aware of preventing overtime work and burnout. Probably different elsewhere.

    (Still - our managers will unintentionally ask "is it done yet?" Which will cause juniors to work overtime. But if the manager found out anyone worked too much they'd say "sorry didn't mean to rush you, take it easy, don't get overworked ")
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    From what I've seen this is a classic junior level trap. Been there.

    Once you know what you're worth it's easier to shrug off these tactics.
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