
Got a couple laughs at an interview for the software listed in my resume:

"Sublime Text 3 (unregistered)"


  • 4
    I use sublime every day is a good editor
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    I mean thats the only way to use it ;)
  • 17
    @surgiie I got work to pay for a licence because I felt the need to contribute
  • 1
    haha, well it is funny.
  • 0
    I switched from sublime text to Emacs. Miss him all the time, but org-mode is amazing. I deleted sublime text to force myself to learn the emacs way and not get tempted to use it.
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    @brunohcastro I tried that with vim but kept going back to subl, my one true love ❤️
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    One day...!
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    @jonjo why didn't I think of that?
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    @sylar182 in all honesty I am trying VS Code
  • 4
    y u no atom
  • 6
    ... Loading ...
    ... Loading ...
    ... Loading ...
    no atom
    ... Loading ...
    ... Loading ...
    * crashes *
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    @acerspyro kidding, atom is good, but taking a look in the competition it kinda fades.

    The community rocks though.
  • 3
    @brunohcastro hm never experienced that. When did you last use Atom
  • 0
    @acerspyro I keep trying to use it from time to time. I think the last shot was in December. It is very cool and I love some of the plugins. But in a large project it gets really slow when compared to sublime/emacs/vim or even vscode, that uses the same tech stack.

    I'm not even considering the last attempt to use it with a large typescript project. The typescript plugin just stood there collecting requests. I even opened an issue ages ago, but it stills painfully slow. Meanwhile the vscode implementation is just smooth and blazing fast, faster than the sublime plugin.

    I look forward for it to get better, really think is a good idea and was very excited with everything I could accomplish with it. But was very disappointed with the performance when compared to the others editors I know.
  • 2
    @brunohcastro Saw your comment about the kidding but honestly, am I the only one for whom atom works really fast? (I use atom as quick side editor)
  • 3
    @acerspyro @linuxxx Have to take back everything I said. Just installed atom and it's blazing fast.

    I had to edit a huge JavaScript project, Webstorm became unusable (indexing, 2+ instances open), Emacs would take too long to prepare (js2-mode, ternjs, etc), so I decided to give atom another try! Just perfect!

    Don't know if my fresh Arch installation has something to do with this, but I really don't care. Loving it!
  • 2
    Still better than my copy:

    Sublime text 3 (registered to Maximo Borgeski)
  • 1
    @acerspyro get back to #web-social
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