
CMS: Library not detected
Me: Argh!
Check permissions

CMS: Library not detected
Me: Everytime, you F***er!
Download different version

CMS: Library not detect
Me: WTF!!!
20 minutes later....
wrong server😒

  • 1
    hahahhaha -- can't say I havnt done this more then once...
  • 0
    thats why i give my servers shell colors a distinct color and name defined by role, where rolle has a segment of color(s) on the rgb..
    eg. web servers is blue, databases are red, caches and load balancers are green(ish)..:)

    i start every hostname with role, eg. web-1-{location or something else}
  • 1
    @lotd I even had them color code, but I think turquoise and darker blue were still not good enough for me.
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