What the hell is"Developer relations engineer "? XD

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    Person that takes money so developers don’t have to.
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    associate web developer
    web developer advocate

    the list goes on and on and on

    I once spent one hour teaching an associate web developer from big tech(name withheld) how to use git, it was pure torture in many ways fueled by my jealousy.
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    I have done that for a bit.

    - The idea is for HR to present a "Great Dev To Work With" to other developers, so they would come work for the company. Meetups, cons, sponsering stuff, giving talks, workshops, etc.
    - Pushing some sort of "new fangled crap tech" to other devs - like the newest AWS service, Google service/vaportech, or some sort of free tech stack, that somehow makes money somehow. Like watson. Or Siri.

    Fun job, if you like that sort of thing.
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    "I told you! I talk to the customers so the god damn engineers don't have to! I HAVE PEOPLE SKILLS!" - Ghandi, probably.
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    What exactly does this dev relations engineer....engineer?
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    A person that seduces developers?
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    Someone that specializes in getting developers to mate so they can get a bunch of little developers later.
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    Lmao wtf
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