
While installing Windows 10:

Do you want to enable Cortana?

By enabling Cortana, you agree to share your voice input, typing history, search history, your location...

I think they should just minify this to: you agree to share your life with us.

  • 6
    Tell me more about Google and Facebook!
  • 2
    My Win10... it still looks like Win8.1
  • 1
    The best thing is that with the anniversary update, you *can't* disable Cortana without using the policy manager.
  • 1
    @OfficerHalf hmm... I don't remember how I disabled it but pretty sure I got rid of it on day 1, guess they removed that option now?
  • 2
    @allanx2000 there used to be an easy "disable Cortana" option in search settings. With the anniversary update, it's gone. It's not actually hard to disable it, but requires something the average user shouldn't have to do.
  • 2
    well.. now you got an option to try a new linux dist
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