
I once encountered a developer who said "make your code obscure and only you can understand, so that they(company) will never let you go" bcoz you the only one can solve it. WhatTheFuck!?

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    In my company, the guy would always receive - 1 in Code Review and ultimately fired :P
    Looks like strategy backfired๐Ÿ˜
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    He is actually my first boss ๐Ÿ˜ข
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    Well, you know, "Hard to write, hard to read" ๐Ÿ˜ถ
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    Or, you could just write quality code so instead of blackmailing him you could give good reasons to keep you or even promote you โ˜บ
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    My professor used to encourage us to do this ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
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    There are a few devs I know that don't work in a team, but are the sole dev for their respective companies.

    Two of these devs have guaranteed job security for close to 15 years by using this very strategy.

    It has it's place and uses.
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    this is the kind of asshole I would put out of a job. do your job and when you have to use something he wrote refactor it to make it understandable
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    @norman70688 you know what's sad, I think the guy that coded the app I'm working on thought that, company I worked for used a company to develop their app, and this thing is written worse than a first semester's code, it's full of obscure naming conventions, commented code, stolen pieces of SO answers (googled the part of the comment) and no comments what so ever
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