
Not sure if you can do it with git

  • 2
    Where can I find reviewers like that for my apps?
  • 0
    @ryanmhoffman Quite simple, work on a shitty pre installed app and irritate users by a new update every day.
  • 0
    Make an App that is either preinstalled or needs to be installed for something to work (Adobe Air) don't give it a GUI and people will travel to space or blend their houses using your app
  • 0
    I never understood how the Webview sarcastic review meme started, or why it is even done at all... 😕
  • 1
    @Koolstr I think it started because it comes preinstalled and normal people can't uninstall nor have a use for it so they write sarcastic ratings
  • 0
    @SHA-256 How is that reason enough? There are tons of things that would qualify for the same thing then...
  • 0
    @Koolstr I don't why people do it lol I just saw it on a lot of these apps...look at the reviews of laserpointer apps....you got 10-year olds complaining that it doesn't work and then you got sarcastic comment about how the laser made a hole in the wall...
  • 0
    git beer
    git checkout
    git call
    git text
    git commit
    git merge
    git push
    git pull
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