Need help with RSU FAQ.
So, I joined this company in 2020 and awarded some number of RSUs, the award issuance date is in 2020 but the award acceptance date is 2021. Does it mean that the vesting that was supposed to happen this year is shifted to next year just because I forgot to accept the award?

  • 1
    Ask your employer. He must know
  • 0
    @stop Please be gender neutral.
  • 0
    @true-dev001 the typical middle/upper managment has usually 0-2 women in their ranks.
  • 0
    @stop Thanks for info :) and it's not always about women. It's about other diversities. Not everyone wants to use gendered terms for referring them. Nowadays more commonly they/them is used. It has no offence to non-male and everyone feels included.
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