I made a typo searching for Firefox in Win 11 start menu

"firefi" > understood. Firefox first result

"firefix" > idk, want me to fuckin search Bing? Shit.


  • 1
    Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that search should be fuzzy, or at least fuzzy in the case of 0 matches.
  • 0
    Win 11? It’s the exact same crap on Win 10!
    It’s pathetic and rage inducing how the Windows search fails to find shit when it literally is a substring of what you are searching for.
    And then it does a web search with bing when you hit enter. As if anybody ever actually wanted to start a web search if the fucking program or whatever on the pc is not found…
    And they are doing it on purpose probably to slam bing into the user’s faces. Disgusting.
  • 1
    Btw, if you don’t know it, there is a search tool called Everything. Do yourself a favor and use it instead of the Windows dirty whore of a search tool.
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    @Lensflare can vouch, search everything works, but y'all should do your selves a solid and look for a new OS, windows sucked way back at XP and it still sucks at 11
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    @EpicofGilgamesh Windows is my gaming OS. I stopped using it for anything productive a long time ago.
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