Chasing fucking unicorns…

I want an F# job where I don’t have to deal with the M$ bs beyond dotnet.. no fucking M$ servers, no Win workstations, none of that bs that makes work uncomfortable.

Guess that ain’t happening.

Looks like I’m going to be stuck writing PHP for the dough indefinitely, and be content in playing around with greatness on my own time.

  • 2
    But you can write php on a linux/mac, and run itvon a linux server. Why the F, do you need windows?
  • 1
    @magicMirror exactly. Since dotnet is environment agnostic by default these days as well, where the fuck do we need Windows when working with F#?
  • 2
    You're the hero the people need, but not the hero the people deserve
    |> 😶
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    @jassole nah, I’m not really an entrepreneurial type. Couldn’t run a company if my life depended on it.
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    @jespersh hadn’t seen that. Intriguing.
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    To be clear, I really enjoy my job. It’s just that I wish I had more opportunities to write some F#.
  • 1
    Problem is that while .NET is platform-agnostic from a *technical* perspective, from a historical business and a conventional perspective it's still rather tied to Windows. No reason it has to be of course, it just seems to be what everyone does.
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