
Our CEO had a virtual town hall using Zoom and now have a sign language interpreter box as a regular feature... To go along with all the Inclusion stuff...

The most immediate problem though is they didn't turn on auto-captions...

I don't know sign but am deaf so needed the captions which it turns out you can get using the Google Recorder app on Pixels. (This is literally like a fuck you to non-Pixel users and Zoom which disables Live Captions in conferences and recording full transcripts).

Anyway I left it own and near the end, a speaker was like "we're getting a lot of likes and positive feedback about the interpreter box! See how small changes make such a big difference?!"

And well of course in my mind I'm going "uh.... No."

I'll just go back to not caring about anything that isn't related to how much I make.

  • 11
    Like with many other things....

    Ask the people who are affected, not everyone else.

    .... and if these people say: No it doesn't make any sense, then that's perfectly okay, too.
  • 3
    @IntrusionCM yes when I was "drinking the Kool aid" last year that's pretty much what I said and can be fixed easily... but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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