
Really pissed me off when I tell someone that I am teaching myself how to code and they're like.. "Don't you have to go to school for that?"

YES.. I wish I could go to school but I am broke, have no family support, and got no credits for a loan. But at least I am seeking out other resources! The mentality of some people I swear!!

  • 2
    I m also learning by myself how to code lol i m actually not the age to study that at school xD
    I m still young :3
  • 6
    Nah you don't need school for that, taught myself when I was 11 no problem
  • 6
    Of course you can learn how to code without going to school. But you might end up with lower wages than a person with (less knowledge and) a diploma for a BS or whatever.
  • 8
    I'm 100% self taught and now a senior backend enginner doing PHP among other things. it can be done, it's just a much harder road to travel
  • 5
    As others have said : school isn't needed. I also started at 11; but was fooled into thinking university was the place to be- absolute lie. I left and am now a senior-level lead dev at 22. If you know have skill: just do something with and continue to improve around people that are 1) not utter assholes and 2) actual benefit you - I learnt the hard way.
  • 2
    Thank u everyone for the encouragement! I know I am on the right track. I am putting in efforts to improve daily besides having to work graveyard shifts to support myself and people have no clue. If I could I would go to school just to network and having the opportunity to learn full time, instead of being surrounded by lazy a**holes
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    Did you try hackerrank.com already?

    What language(s) are you learning?
  • 0
    @hplar I am enrolled in CS50 learning C and Python. And also FreeCodeCamp learning Fullstack Web Dev
  • 1
    No need for school but get a couple of decent projects under your belt your own or others just do them for free do a good job make your code look fit and get a good cv going and your of ;) also just write a bullet point list of all the million and one ridicules words you will need to know and be asked at interviews like transpilling, interpolation, immutable someone asked me what PHP stood for at once and I was stumped, all that nonsense also just make some up as well they will think your clever ;)
  • 2
    In my opinion you will learn more online using websites, stackoverflow, blogs and tutorials than you will learn in school. School curriculum is so narrowed and most developers i know are self-taught. Industry works alot differently to what schools offer, so don't be under the impression that you will be any less skilled than someone who is learning in a classroom.
  • 0
    Well, for all the school haters out there: it is actually nice to get feedback from teachers and acknowledgment that you are doing stuff right.
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