I feel discouraged about working on this personal project because I fear doing something wrong designing the database architecture

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    You'll do at least half a dozen rewrites before shipping, so don't worry.
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    Another (slightly more constructive) suggestion is to check out reddit's dB design. They have a pair of tables, one for "things" and another for "data about things", distills down to something simple.
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    Reason why you should think about migrations beforehand.

    The nice thing about databases is that you can recreate them - making validation far easier.

    And I can recommend looking at Karwins SQL Antipatterns :)
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    @atheist @IntrusionCM my drama was mostly related to this ambition I had with making an offline-first webapp. Having to architect the database is one thing, dealing with NoSQL another and figuring stuff out like sharing data among/with users another one.

    I decided to ditch the idea in favor of a you-are-screw-if-you-don't-have-Internet-first webapp.

    I'm using EdgeDB 1-rc2 as my database technology and building the backend with Deno, SvelteKit for the frontend.
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