Idiots. Just... Fucking Idiots.

Junior Frontend dev got a feature to implement. Decided to add a field to a set of mongo collections. I'm the responsible adult for those collections. Talked to the junior - told it, "don't do that, you will lose the data you are adding later". Junior says "will not happen", and goes on to try and prove It is "Right". Problem? Junior is an Idiot. did not trigger the data loss scenario. So... Junior got his TL to talk to the RND manager. And those Idiots Decided that the implementation will go forward as is.

Data loss will happen. QA will not find it. Only the client will experience the data loss, and complain....

  • 8
    Junior is an idiot, but that's to be expected, they're not the problem.

    The others should kno better tho.
  • 3
    Make sure you have what you said in writing, and then sit back, relax, and let everyone else run around you.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce There is no need.
    The issue will only trigger much much later, and no one will remember/even understand what happend.
    The issue is with a Migration event - the migration algorithem reads data from the db into an ORM object, makes changes to the Object, and replaces the original object in the db.

    Migrations are Rare, but they will happen evetually....
  • 1
    I ++ed after reading the first line.
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