
Yea... so you know all those rants/jokes about how you need to explain programming to ur friends and family?

I just realized I don't have that problem.... all of them are programmers as well :)

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    @Pythoneer my parents are too old for Git, they just code for work. My bro is in college now, he has one but I dunno what it is.
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    @billgates you can never be to old to make a mistake ;)
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    @billgates git is version control, which is a must if you right code. Your parents are never to old to make a mistake when writing code. Would they rather use a VCS and be able to undo it or would they rather it be lost for ever?
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    @ScribeOfGoD ah ok, yes but not sure if they're using git though. Maybe still SVN.

    They don't do nonwork projects.
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    I luckily have a lot of programming friends. My family though... Nope.
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    Do you have holiday fights where you all get drunk and argue over the best programming language, then your parents take your phone when you're in the bathroom and trash your master branch because version control is for sissies and your brother ends up locking himself in his room because he doesn't want to learn COBOL no matter how cool it was back in the day mom and you all wake up the next morning hungover and unable to look each other in the eye and your parents are sorry about your master branch but it's OK because it's called version control for a reason.
    Or is that just my family?
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    @core just your family. Even though they are programmers, we never talk about what we do.
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