
i feel like a fucking failure, I am so tired of programming, i dont even like it anymore, and all my coworkers are programmer gods. I feel like a burden. Part of it might be imposter syndrome but for the most part its true.

  • 5
    Thats nit imposter, thats burn out.
  • 1
    Cognitive distortion always *feels* true. What makes you feel like you’re a failure?
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    @AmyShackles When comparing myself to my coworkers, they are very ibtelligent and have a fuckton of knowledge, always looking for new ways to do things and so on. I dont have that drive anymore or anything like it. I have become average as fuck and they make the same money as me. I feel bad. thank you for commenting
  • 6
    There will always be someone better than you. And you will always be better than many other people out there. That's just how it is, doesn't mean you're a failure, you're just not a superhero either... you're just you, and that should be enough...
  • 4
    Let me tell you something about this field: Knowledge in the area is exponential to the time you put into it. If they are older, disciplined and dedicated they will more than likely know more. If they are the same age, well they just put more time than you. Different backgrounds have a tendency to fuck with these characteristics, but these are not necessarily a reflection of you being bad at it.

    Don't compare yourself to others, to me it does not sound like you are dumb or worse, but just burned out. Software Development takes time man. Relax when getting into it, find your weaknesses and attack from that angle.
  • 5
    Sounds like you’re pretty hard on yourself. Remember that only geniuses constantly question themselves. Dumb people think they’re amazing at everything.

    Also if you’re burnt out, try something new. A new library, framework, language, or even IDE.
  • 2
    Also maybe look at the stack your coworkers use and see how it differs from yours. Everything from their workflow to the services they use. It might draw some inspiration.
  • 3
    thanks everyone for the replies, I hadnt considered burnout or other things youve said <3
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    Maybe try some side projects that you find interesting? might help to spark the interest again, I know you don't do any besides your work :p

    also, have you considered deez nutz
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    I do bjj twice a week. I've been doing it for the better part of a decade. Some of the white belts i started with a brown and black belts and I'm not even purple yet.

    Those guys trained 5 days a week and watch instructional videos and teach classes. I'm lucky to get in at all, and spend my time at work and with my family.

    You know who I'm way better than though? Me. Me at the start sucked balls. Every day I get better even if every day everyone else gets better faster. You know who I'm destroying? All the plebs that quit over the years.

    We have a saying in BJJ. the mats will always be there when you get back. You're burnt out trying to be as good as your co-workers. They're just people with more hours in then you, don't worry about it so much!
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