
Can we collectively ban a person from DevRant?

aka @useVim

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    Didn't think devrant was involved in cancel culture
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    @useVim dude, you made something cool this annoying
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    There has been at least one instance of a certain user banned. I can assure you that.
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    I mean, we had the chance to stop him. Iirc he asked how we feel about him making a new religion :c
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    @EpicofGilgamesh it's only cancel culture if the act had approval in the first place
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    I was considering starting the "The Way of Nano" shitpost series.

    When I hear people want to start a campaign to cancel useVim part of me thinks about going into his posts and just upvote them. I don't read the posts as I just don't care. I think the first couple of them were fun/funny, but now they are just noise. I am pretty much neutral on this, but a counter cancel campaign sounds like fun.
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    @piratefox spammers seem to roam quite freely in devRant anyway. Downvotes and reports have no effect unless there's a mass of those. The other side of the coin is that valid comments get cencored if few users dislike the opinion.

    Getting completely banned seems to require something more severe like racist insults that are directly targeted at another user. (there's probably some system that bans clear spammers but they have figured out how to bypass it)

    I don't think shitposts are against the rules as such, even if repeated.
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    @electrineer and who decides what "valid comments" are? ;-) Playing devils advocate here because I have found that consensus to be a really unreliable form of determining truth. It tends to be more of an echo chamber validation.
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    @electrineer oh I know, it was mostly to confirm bans happen… Back then I was unsure about it, seing that the user I mentioned kept spamming unwanted stuff and insulting freely without repercussions
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    @Demolishun my point is that even conversations that are allowed by rules get cencored if some opinions are unpopular among even a small group of users. There's practically no manual moderation. If there's a clear violation and you mention dfox, he will take action within a week or two. Otherwise, everything is driven by user votes (which you can lose permanently if you downvote spammers too much).
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    @Frederick choke on dis nuts
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    Normally, i am against kickvoting shit posters - but in this case it would be fine.
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    Whatever you do, don't downvote all his rants at the same time with offensive/spam reason. That appears to be a way to get your downvote rights cancelled altogether.
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    @electrineer 95% of his posts are spams, so… you know.
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    He doesn't have enough posts for that mechanic to kick in - which i actually already confirmed empirically...
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    @yehaaw @Oktokolo my downvotes stopped counting after I downvoted less than 20 (maybe 17) spammer comments in a row. I don't know if there was some longer term limit that I happened to reach at the same time. This was a long time ago, so the system may have been revised.

    When I downvote with offensive/spam, the ++ count decreases, but if I refresh, the count increases back.
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    Hahahahaha! People messing up their downvote. I find that particular mechanic humorous. This puts goals behind trolling...
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    @Demolishun I was downvoting spammers like you see in the comments here https://devrant.com/rants/681488/...
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    I just verified, that all my downvotes are still there. But i didn't downvote all his posts - only the 90% bad ones.
    Maybe it makes a difference whether you rage-vote everything down vs. just going for a civilized checked and balanced downvoting spree...
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    @Demolishun is that your new troll account
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    @electrineer No, I am just inspired by the ire.
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    @GeorgeBool VimPope is actually better than pope Francis. Francis is a satanist kid fucker and drinks their blood.
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    @electrineer trolling is a lifestyle on devrant, y'all just against religious activities on devrant

    Y'all wanna start a crusade against the Vimstians
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    Has more dicks* Smaller ones, but if you stack them 🤔
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    @GeorgeBool Seems about right.
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    @yehaaw I dont usually do this but this time i did. Went to the guys profile, downvoted all the spam rants. Should be around 50 downvotes. There you have my 50 cents.
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    @GeorgeBool is this all shitposting hate or is it just vim hate
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    @GeorgeBool feature creep ha ha
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    At the currently known level of already known pedo-centrism in the two biggest Christian flavor churches and with all the known protectionism and coverup still going on, publicly assuming the pope being a child abuser is basically stating the truth.

    Being the master shepherd implies some responsibility for the actions of the supervised shepherds, their supervised shepherds and even the sheep.

    Don't want that responsibility? Then don't be a shepherd.
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    @Frederick no , @Frederick @EpicofGigalmesh was fine.
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