I'm a student pursuing my undergraduation in 1st year and learnt c language what will be the best language to learn after C

  • 6
    Short answer: depends.
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    @100110111 Long answer?
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    For general, practical purposes: C++, Python.
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    Tq fast-nop
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    hands down.
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    JavaScript , here's how it works, C for operating systems, js for anything you can think of
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    Local post what is Spanish are you talking about Spanish language. Can u tell me about this plz.
  • 3
    Rust. If your school hasn't taught why c/c++ suck
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    Long answer: see above. There are as many opinions as there are people. There are so many variables to consider when choosing a language you want to start learning next.
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    Next should be any "strongly and statically typed" and memory-safe language.
    If you like mainstream OOP: Java or C#.
    If you need to be able to build a kernel with it: Rust without the unsafe keyword.
    If you want feature-complete type systems and a generally more functional/mathy approach: OCaml, Haskell.
    For the web: Typescript with null-safety turned on and avoiding the any type where possible. Not really statically or even strongly typed, but still the best for the web as it is an established language transpiling to JavaScript.

    And then you can venture into less safe languages like Python - which is the glue language queen with best standard library, best documentation and best community... or PHP - which still is pretty well-established as a web backend language and still gets improvements from time to time (the standard library is crap though).
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    I agree, but would add F# to the company of Haskell and OCaml (or actually replace OCaml with it).

    Also, Kotlin.
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    Just stay away from people trying to push Javascript for everything other then webstuff. They are usually deadly afraid of strongly typed programming languages.
    If you truly understand C and how the compiler turns that into machine code, you pretty much can learn any other language. It's just memorizing the idiosyncracies of the new language.
    I've been suggested to try out Rust overwhelmingly, even for embedded purposes.

    If you, however, learn a language for learning sake, then I guess that it wouldn't hurt to diversify. Else use the language that seems most effective for the certain project.
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    Learn something with objects, like C#/JAVA/Python, and a database, like SQL or MongoDB. Then if you want to get into web development check Javascript + node, and a framework like react or angular or vue.
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