Goals for 2022:

- Keep studying my new book (concrete mathematics)
- keep solving hacker rank problems
- Interview at amazon.com again (I was so close to get it) and feel the pleasure of reject them
- Stop skipping gym days
- Making friends in NY

  • 1
    Do this instead:

    Just make it habit of walking into the gym. Just show up. You're free to leave, like legit, walk right back out if you want to.

    But make walking in a habit.

    And then leave open the decision of whether or not to sexercise.

    Breaking everything down into microhabits.
  • 1
    "- Interview at amazon.com again (I was so close to get it) and feel the pleasure of reject them"
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    @Wisecrack is literally in front of my apartment, not sure if that will work, but sounds like an experiment I'd like to try to measure the effectiveness, will tell you the results in 3 months
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    @arcioneo it's how I started jogging.
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