
Sublime Text is a great editor but the fact that active development on it has seemed to come to a hault sucks.

  • 3
    What did it hault? What can be done?
  • 1
    They've been working on the new version for years now, but over he last year or two there has been very little progress.
  • 1
    Are plugins being developed?
  • 0
    That's also a big problem. Plugin development used to be very active but most good plugins have lost momentum and aren't being actively developed either. And most people who use it seriously rely heavily on plugins.
  • 0
    Seems like an opportunity for a devRant reader.
  • 5
    I switched to Atom because of this. Atom has gotten a lot faster since initial release but can still use some fine tuning.
  • 0
    Nothing lasts forever
  • 1
  • 1
    @cptdev01 that looks pretty cool, I have to try it out. Thanks.
  • 3
    I currently use brackets and it works very well. It is also extensible using extensions
  • 4
    +1 for moving to Atom from Sublime
  • 2
    Development is picked up again but now Sublime has to fight for the trust it lost.
  • 1
    I I'm on the Atom wagon as well. Left Textmate after many years.
  • 0
    There is also VS Code which is tons faster than Atom despite being built on the same foundation.
  • 0
    I like Atom more
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