
People who use "!important" in CSS. #dontbealobster

  • 3
    Do enough work where you're managed to use 3rd party frameworks and you'll find that !important isn't evil, it's sometimes your only hope.
  • 0
    Guilty as charged 😰. In my defense, I'm a back end/cyber sec guy and when I sometimes neeeeed to do CSS when hardly knowing any....
  • 1
    Better than using inline styling
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    Why would someone wanna be a lobster?
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    @RevThwack incorrect. Turns out you can just put your stylesheets in the right order...
  • 1
    @ALivingMemory not always an option. One toolset I've been forced to use would combine all referenced stylesheets into one, another made generous use of !important in their themes, as well as generating in-line styling.

    For every way you should be able to fix an issue, some asshat has managed to break the fix.
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    @RevThwack fair enough, should still be able to order your bundles? A framework that generates inline styles sounds like a power hungry bearpigman
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    @ALivingMemory most will let you order, but a few won't, or even worse, will outright ignore any style that overrides one of theirs
  • 0
    Papa CSS would hit you with his *rule*
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