
Had this with a relative. His laptop wasn't turning on, with or without charger so he brought it back to the store to fix it. It ran elementary os by the way (detail for later). Then he got it back after a week and we booted it and it had windows 8 installed (wtf indeed). So we called the service desk to ask about it since the issue was a broken charger (!!!). Their reply: oh yeah there was a weird system installed on it so we thought we'd reset it as well for you.


He is not tech savvy and he didn't know much about backups so that was literally about one year of work GONE. Yeah, I setup a cloud backup sync thingy for him right after that.

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    Big retailers don't like linux. Most (if not all) computers lose their warranty upon changing the os afaik.

    Still a dick move not to inform him about it.
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    @hplar Over here I think you don't lose your warranty over stuff like this. Not unless you alter hardware stuff at least. But yeah, for a broken charger....
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    I wouldn't send my laptop back to Dell unless there was absolutely something broken. And then I'd do a full backup and wipe it. Last year my charger broke (while I was still under warranty) and Dell wanted me to send my laptop back so they could check the power connectors before doing that. I knew it wasn't them (I tested myself), so I basically escalated until they sent me a new cord. Working great. They also sent me a box of spare power connectors, which is nice
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    A couple of months ago my Lenovo thinkpad wouldn't boot. I had installed Arch Linux and had opened the laptop a couple of times to install a new hard disk and new ram. They came to pick up the laptop and drop it off again. The issue was a broken motherboard. They replaced the motherboard and sent it back. I even lost the cap for the 4g SIM module and they replaced that as well. They did nothing more. That was a good customer experience. :-)
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    As a person in a similar fucked up situation, I totally fucking get this!
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    @darkness Good luck mate :/
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