I hate unit test. I hate testing by code.
I hate the idea to write code that tests code. And that u must update both when u add a feature. Like wtf.
Good debug mode with clear verbose and precise reporting tool and voila.
Drives me nuts thus trending shit.

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    If you have to update your tests when you add a feature, you're probably writing integration/regression tests rather than unit tests. Personally I think they're a waste of time. Unit tests are interesting/useful.

    More discussion (op is a bit blunt/controversial, see my later comments): https://devrant.com/rants/4751612/...
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    What @atheist said.

    A good unit test should test a *unit* of work, it shouldn't reimplement the whole function a second time to make sure it does what it does.

    Really a unit rest should be written for the smallest possible Units of your code and test only for desired behavior at the end if it.

    Unit tests are super useful for everyone that wants to change the code later because they can do the Debugging for you specifically. That's actually a decent way to think about them. Whatever you'd write in your console.log()s and Console.WriteLines() when testing in Debug, that's probably what you want written in the unit test, just in a more eloquent way so others know what you're testing

    So when you say "good debug tool" that's the shit you want to automate with Units. So you don't have to be the human analyzing what the debug is showing you
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    When the developers try to maintain the OP's code in the future
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    @atheist I actually made regression tests less painful by pulling previous logs going back months and sampling a few thousand.

    Replicate the calls and boom, you know if your code is going to break anything that's made requests in the last n months.
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    @sariel thing is, that tells you if something has changed. OK, if your service crashes, that's a "big thing that shouldn't happen", but if you fixed a bug, good regression tests *should* fail. For a lot of stuff I've done, "the output is different" is meaningless. I've done computer vision stuff where performance improvements result in tiny numerical differences in the output, they're expected, so it's not a useful validation. Repeatability is also a useful type of test (may be indicative of a threading problem), but even that can be finicky, eg numpy dot product is not repeatable across machines, may depend on cpu intrinsics. See below issue.

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    Code tests are an investment. When project is mostly or fully covered developers get velocity. Need to add a feature? Just go for it and add it, tests got your back so that everything still works. Without tests, how scared are you to add changes to a large codebase? Very scared.

    There is also a second use for unit tests. Documentation. API docs are not good enough? Look at the unit tests, they will show you how the specific thing you need is actually used.

    So are tests useless? Nope.
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    You are being adverse to automating something highly repeatable, labor intensive and susceptible to mistakes. Are you an automation professional or a highly paid data entry specialist?

    Also the tests are exactly what I run when I use the debugger. Awesome repeatable cases. Make change, abort debug, rerun.

    @atheist On API I also like integration/regression tests whatever you want to call them. We have about 70% test coverage (including the 100% API coverage); the API tests prevents any accidents being deployed.
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    @atheist oef that OP is beyond blunt. I was actually part of the linked rant. See how that escalated
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    Sounds like you aren’t quite writing unit tests correctly.

    Test outcomes of your business logic layers now how it happened. Shouldn’t need mocks for that.

    Maybe test the how when dealing with testing orchestration layers, you probs need mocks for this. But there is likely to be a lot less of these tests too.

    If your unit tests are hard it can be a good indicator that your code could be improved.
    Don’t just press forward with them, think about what the feedback loop is telling you.

    Seen devs spend ages writing a unit tests for greenfield code. Tests that were crazy hard and when you look at the code it was testing that was the real issue.
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    I fucking love unit tests
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