I am about to start a project in RUSTLang , so RUSTLang Dev , is there anything I need to aware or advice before I start ?

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    Yes, you won't finish the project on time (if you have a deadline) and it might take way more time (and frustration) than you expect. Maybe the advice is don't give up! I really like the language despite how I'm still very inadequate in it.
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    @rantsauce compare to C++ is the module or header easy to configure?
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    Rust is pretty opinionated, so it's probably a good idea to design the code so that you go with the language, not against it.
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    @johnmelodyme I think it's alright once you understand how it works. This is not a major problem though. Here's a good post about it https://sheshbabu.com/posts/...
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    Sometime along the magical learning experience you-re about to embark, you will feel the need to say any system that is not built on rust should be rebuilt on rust. Kindly don't.
  • 2
    @nitnip any system that is not built on Rust should be rebuilt on Rust.
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