Jira is just like a Dead ass Bitch

  • 0
    Could you explain everything you hate about it?

    A few coworkers are arguing for us to switch to it, and I want to know what to expect.
  • 2
    @bittersweet JIRA is just about the worst when you need to extract data from it. It uses a weird multi-layered JSON to hold the data of each issue, WITH CRYPTIC FIELD NAMES. I.e. you have a "client currency" field in your issues. In the data, it's handle is "custom_field80085". No translation or logic for the attributes' names.
  • 0
    This is true about the fields, as I have my personal reports, the same fields changes the ids/key names if you move a task from a project to another.

    In lean terms, the gitlab or GitHub issues with tags and that boards have all you need to work, unless you’re in a corporate world … where ppl are ded in terms of carreer anyway, so whatever …
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